11 Benefits of Consolidating Shipments in Turkey

تجميع الشحنات في تركيا من الخدمات التي حرصت أفضل شركات الشحن في تركيا على تقديمها للعملاء، تعرف على الميزات التي توفرها هذه الخدمة وكيف نقدمها لك ولأعمالك.

Consolidation of shipments is one of the common terms in the world of shipping, and the idea of ​​implementing it has become an effective means of saving the greatest possible amount of time and material costs incurred by transport companies. This has been included under the umbrella of radical solutions to some of the problems faced by these companies, and thus it is necessary to look into the matter. Consolidation of shipments in Turkey in detail.

Definition of consolidation of shipments 

The term consolidation of shipments or consolidation of shipments ( in English : Order Consolidation) means allocating a date and one carrier to carry orders of different types and numbers to go to one destination. Shipping companies allow the possibility of transporting shipments and consolidating them into a container or several containers, but on board the carrier itself, for the purposes of reducing the maximum amount of freight. Time and cost.

This method is considered the best method followed by shipping companies to be able to give the customer discounted shipping prices and not incur huge amounts of money. After the shipment reaches the specified destination, the companies rush to separate the shipments according to the rules.

The working principle of consolidating shipments in Türkiye

So that you can know precisely the principle about consolidating shipments in Türkiye, they are as follows:

  • Placing appropriate orders under the microscope for study by the responsible department in the shipping company in preparation for the merger.
  • Move to the stage of classifying the packages to be delivered according to the destination, thus determining what can actually be combined.
  • The combined container arrives at the logistics partner, who is then responsible for completing the packaging process and checking orders during consolidation.
  • Providing the highest levels of care and attention to shipments during storage, selection, packing, and then proceeding to shipment, knowing that the process requires true solidarity to ensure its success.

Advantages and characteristics of consolidating shipments in Türkiye

The shipment consolidation process in Turkey, or as it is known as shipment consolidation, is unique in that it has many advantages and characteristics that motivate companies to apply the principle without delay, including the following:

  • Make orders simpler and more quickly fulfilled.
  • Giving customers an ideal and distinctive experience by saving them time and financial costs.
  • Speeding up the process of completing tasks for transport companies.
  • The amount of shipping charges charged is based on the volumetric weight of each shipment, which is generally associated with the space it covers in the container.
  • Providing the drain of packing materials and boxes during packing, thus reducing both the actual and volumetric weight.
  • Savings on handling fees for each package, as the combined package is handled at once.
  • Items in a package are less likely to get damaged, as they are less likely to slip or break during transportation, unlike individual shipments.
  • The option to collect shipments in Türkiye is an environmentally friendly option. It gradually reduces the burning of fuel and its release into the air during transportation.
  • Reducing the amount of waste and carbon emission, therefore it is environmentally friendly.
  • High level of accuracy in orders and their tracking, which doubles the efficiency and effectiveness of quality monitoring and ordering.
  • The ability to troubleshoot problems and deal with them efficiently before leaving the warehouse. The order study step is effective in this.

What are freight consolidation warehouses? 

Consolidation of shipments in Türkiye

Based on the great demand for consolidating and consolidating shipments in Turkey, what is known as consolidation warehouses for shipping companies have appeared, and they appear as a huge and very spacious building dedicated to storing orders and parcels in it. It is characterized by being equipped with a very advanced technological infrastructure so that the process of protecting the goods is distinctive, thus preserving The safety of goods and their safe and secure transport until they reach the intended destination. There are many types of assembly warehouses; Until the supply process is complete and quality standards are applied.

Challenges of consolidating shipments in Türkiye

Despite the advantages and great importance of the shipment collection process in Turkey, it faces some challenges, including the following:

  • Finding a supporting company. One of the challenges facing shipment consolidation is finding the company that actually provides this service. Many companies refuse to provide this service due to some behind-the-scenes complications they face without the customer.
  • Time, sometimes the time may be longer because there are many additional steps required to complete the assembly process.
  • The complexity of the steps, companies sometimes do not want to deal with this due to the need for additional and multiple steps compared to the traditional shipping process, and the necessity of achieving safety and speed despite the necessity of providing in-depth details related to companies.

Cargo collection service in Türkiye with Turk Mirsal

Based on Turk Mirsal ’s keenness to provide the best services to valued customers, it recently launched a shipment collection service in Turkey with Turk Mirsal . This has greatly benefited our valued customers, and we are always keen to provide the best price ever to the customer in an effort to give him a unique experience. If you want to go through the experience and receive your packages in one go, you can proceed to obtaining the service from here .

Read also: International shipping prices – 4 main factors that go into their calculation

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